Little Things That Matter Between Parents & Kids
“A child is a beam of sunlight from the Infinite and Eternal, with possibilities of virtue and vice, but as yet unstained.” – Lyman Abbott
Children are overjoyed when they leap into the pool and feel the splash of water on their feet, their bodies; they are overjoyed when they get a kiss, a hug, or a small piece of chocolate. We've all experienced similar situations and emotions. And these small interactions between parents and children are crucial for children's growth in all areas. These things are largely focused on being present in the moment, spending quality time with others, and developing trust. As your child grows and develops, your relationship with him or her will change and evolve.
Little things are things that your kids wants that are oftentimes irrelevant to you. You are oblivious to the little things and your kid isn’t going to tell you directly what they are. They will make remarks and comments that you may think nothing of or you may think they are silly, but they are telling you about the little things that are important to them.
Continue reading to learn about some of the small things you can do for your child as a parent to help you enhance your relationship with them and have a better understanding of them.
1. Being present in the moment
Tuning in and thinking about what's going on with your child is what it means to be in the moment. It demonstrates to your child that you are concerned about their concerns, which is the foundation for a successful relationship. Here are a few suggestions for being present with your child:
- Acceptance, allowing your child to be who he or she is, and refraining from constantly giving orders are all good things to do. It's fine if your child wishes to pretend that the building blocks are humans. You don't have to teach your youngster how to use them properly.
- Pay attention to what your youngster is doing and comment or support him or her without passing judgement.
- Listen to your kid and try to understand his or her true sentiments. For example, if your child tells you a tale about a variety of events that occurred during the day, they may be genuinely expressing their liking for the new instructor or being in a good mood.
- Consider what your child's actions are trying to teach you. If your adolescent hangs out in the kitchen but doesn't say much, it's possible that they just want to be near you. Without having to speak, you may give them a hug or allow them to assist you in the kitchen.
Check out these great gifts which are perfectly suitable for children off all ages and will also help them in learning about hindu mythology!
2. Allowing your kid to take the initiative
For example:
- Let your child lead play by watching your child and responding to what your child says or does. For younger children, this is ideal.
- Encourage your child's thoughts. Why not say yes if your older child suggests preparing a family meal?
- You can utilise the dialogue to learn more about your child's beliefs and feelings, even if they differ from yours, when he or she offers an opinion.
You can also use gifts to teach your kids and this gift is suitable for it as it teaches kids about decision making in money.
3. Spending quality time is important.
Quality time is the foundation of a positive relationship between you and your child. You learn about each other's experiences, thoughts, feelings, and shifting interests by spending time together. This demonstrates your love and respect for your child, which is beneficial to your connection.
Quality time can happen at any time and in any place, even in the midst of mundane days and circumstances. It could be a shared chuckle while bathing your toddler or a pleasant talk with your teenage child in the car. Smiles, laughing, eye contact, hugs, and soft touches are all good ways to express positive messages during these times.
By limiting interruptions and distractions, you can make the most of your time together. This can be as simple as putting your phone away. It demonstrates to your child that you are eager to spend uninterrupted time with them. There may be periods in your family's life when spending a lot of time with your child every day is impossible. However, scheduling some one-on-one time with your child on a regular basis will help you make the most of your time together.
You can also play this Memory Matching Game which will help you bond with your child and at the same time, the kids will get to learn about hindu mythology.
4. Respect and trust
A positive parent-child connection requires trust and respect. It's crucial to build trust with your baby in the early years. When your infant realises that he or she can rely on you and other primary caregivers to meet their needs, they will feel more safe. This feeling of protection and security provides your child the courage to venture out into the world. As your child grows older, trust and respect become more of a two-way street. In your relationship, you can cultivate trust and respect. Consider the following scenario:
- When your child requires assistance, care, or support, be available. Picking up your toddler when they fall or picking up your adolescent when they phone you after a party are examples of this. This teaches your child to trust you to be there for them when they need you.
- Keep your promises so that your youngster learns to trust you. If you say you'll go to a school activity, for example, make every effort to get there.
- Learn about your child and respect him or her for who they are. If your child enjoys football, encourage him or her or inquire about the finest players. Respecting your child's feelings and opinions encourages him or her to continue to share them with you.
- When your kid presents an opinion that differs from yours, listen without passing judgement or becoming upset. This conveys the message that you'll listen and support your child in the future when they face challenging challenges or situations.
- Allow your relationship to alter as your child grows and changes his or her wants and interests. Your pre-teen child, for example, may no longer want you to accompany them to the park with their friends, despite the fact that your child used to enjoy playing there with you.
- Establish some tough yet equitable family rules. Your family's rules are unambiguous declarations about how you wish to care for and treat one other. They can assist your child believe that you will treat them consistently.
These simple things from early recollections assist us understand how we should react to specific events and interpret the world. According to studies, youngsters who have a lot of positive memories grow up to be healthier and happier. They have a more positive attitude on life and are better at managing with stress. These children are less likely to suffer from depression and are more likely to form positive interpersonal interactions.
In the larger scale of things, what we accomplish at Positively Perfect may not appear to be significant. But we recall how, in our own lives, the tiniest of events paved the way for bigger things to come. Similarly, each person who makes a purchase, as well as each present purchased, is paving the way for more optimism and inspiration in the world. And we're here to keep the path clear.
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