Stay Positively Perfect
This is your place to get a daily dose of inspiration.
Stories, videos, pictures all to inspire you and for you to share.
By share, I don’t mean just online, for there is a lot out there, but share to your group your audience. Especially if you are a leader, you have to constantly communicate, be it to a small group of people or to a large audience with hundreds of people, and we all know a powerful story, an image or an inspirational video helps us to communicate the message better.
I am building this blog and categorizing it based on common topics like Focus, Innovation, Perseverance, Change, Big Ideas, Resilience, Failure. It’s April 2020 and together with my team we are just getting started so right now our selection is limited but we will get there. For us, it's not about how much we have but really about quality.
Please note we are not being paid to promote any channel or person or brand. The content belongs to the people who have created it. We love Inspiration and sharing it just makes it better. Also, these are totally personal opinions, yours may be different and we respect that.
Nothing will make me happier to know that a story or an idea you discovered here made your talk better or helped you in some way. Do leave me a comment. I would love to hear from you. Well, that’s my fuel :).
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