10 Best YouTube Talks on why Journaling Matters
There are countless reasons why journaling is a beneficial practice, but here are 10 of the best YouTube talks on the matter to get you started. In a world that is constantly moving and updating, it's no wonder that many people find themselves feeling lost and disconnected. One way to combat this feeling is by journaling. Journaling has been shown to have a plethora of benefits, from reducing stress levels to helping improve memory. In order to help you get the most out of journaling, we've compiled a list of the 10 best YouTube talks on the topic. In no particular order, these talks will explore everything from the physical and mental health benefits of journaling to how writing can help us become more self-aware.
“On keeping a journal | Lisa De Bode | TEDxLeuven”
Keeping a journal is a personal practice that has been around for centuries. Lisa De Bode, a clinical psychologist, believes that journaling can help you live a happier and healthier life. In her TEDxLeuven talk, she explains the benefits of journaling and provides tips on how to get started.
In this moving talk, Lisa builds a case for a novel way of journalism, the kind where unknown voices craft stories and impact our lives.
Lisa De Bode is a reporter at Al Jazeera America, based in New York City. Her work has been published in the Guardian, The Huffington Post, De Morgen, De Standaard, among others, and was awarded the 2011 Dick Scherpenzeel prize for excellence in foreign reporting by young journalists.
Her interest in journals started at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University, where she worked on promoting diversity in U.S. media.
One of the benefits of journaling, as she states, is that it can help you become more self-aware.
- Keeping a journal has many benefits, both mental and physical.
- It can help you to organize your thoughts and reflect on your day-to-day experiences.
- Journaling can also improve your writing skills and help you to express yourself better.
- It can be a great way to document your life journey and track your progress over time.
Keeping a journal is a great way to process your thoughts and feelings. It can also help you reflect on your day-to-day experiences, and track your progress over time.
“Journal Your Way to Happiness | Julmar Carcedo | TEDxBrownU”
In a talk given at TEDxBrownU, Julmar Carcedo discussed how journaling can be used as a tool for happiness. He explained that journaling can be used to track your thoughts and emotions, to set goals and reflect on your progress, and to document your accomplishments. He also shared some tips for how to make journaling more effective, such as setting a specific time each day for writing in your journal, using different colors or pens to differentiate between different types of entries, and keeping your journal in a visible location so that you will be more likely to use it regularly.
Julmar Carcedo '16, an international student on financial aid from Davao, Philippines, found enjoyment on Brown's campus despite the awful "cards he's dealing with." He describes his personal journey and offers tips on achieving pleasure through journaling in this TEDx lecture.
Julmar is a student at Brown University from the Philippines' Mindanao area. Despite growing up in a little village cut off from the rest of the world, he envisioned a life bigger than himself. He grew up in the midst of family violence, persistent financial hardships, and persecution because he was gay, but it didn't stop him from pursuing his aspirations with zeal. His perseverance led him to an international scholarship to complete high school in Hong Kong and ultimately to Brown. He believes that life is mostly made up of voids in between big occurrences. During those dry spells, he injects joy into his life through journaling.
“How to declutter your mind -- keep a journal | Ryder Carroll | TEDxYale”
Mindfulness is the practice of purposely focusing your attention on the present moment—and then bringing your awareness back to the present moment when your mind wanders.
And one way to be more mindful is to keep a journal.
"A journal is like a friend who you can tell anything to and they’re not going to judge you," said Ryder Carroll, creator of the Bullet Journal system, in a TEDxYale talk.
Carroll developed the Bullet Journal as a way for people to get more organized and productive, but it can also be used as a mindfulness tool.
"When you're stressed out or when you have a lot of things on your plate, it's really hard to keep your mind focused on what's important," said Carroll. "A journal can help you declutter your mind.
Being occupied does not always imply being productive. Ryder Carroll tells how a technique he created to manage his childhood attention deficit disorder is now helping individuals all over the world achieve their goals with increased efficiency and enjoyment.
Ryder Carroll is the creator of the Bullet Journal and a digital product designer. He was born and reared in Vienna, Austria, but currently resides in Brooklyn, New York. He enjoys his position as Lead Designer at Idean in New York City. The Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal, Fast Company, Bloomberg, Vogue, and Mashable have all written on him.
“What I Learned by Journaling for 30 Days”
I’ve always been a big journalist. But when I decided to do a 30-day challenge where I wrote in my journal every day, I learned some things about myself.
First, it was really helpful for problem-solving. If something was on my mind, putting it down on paper helped me figure out a way to deal with it.
Second, it made me more mindful of my daily habits and how they impact my life. For example, I realized that I was eating too much sugar and not getting enough exercise, so I made some changes based on that information.
Finally, it was a great way to document my progress (or lack thereof!) throughout the month. It held me accountable and helped keep me motivated.
Matt D'Avella says all these in his video where he tried journaling for 30 days and expressed every change that occurred in his pre-existing life. A very informative video to understand how journaling helps with practical examples.
“Using a Journal Can Change Your Life | Jim Rohn”
Keeping a journal is one of the simplest, yet most transformative things you can do for yourself. Jim Rohn, motivational speaker and author, said “If you want to know where you are going, write it down. If you want to change where you are going, write it down.” Writing down your thoughts and feelings can help you make sense of them, figure out what’s important to you, and track your progress in reaching your goals.
The practice of journaling can also help improve mental health. In a study published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research, participants who wrote about their deepest thoughts and feelings weekly showed improvement in symptoms of depression and anxiety after eight weeks. The researchers suggest that writing may be an effective way to “externalize” negative thoughts and emotions, which can lead to decreased worry and rumination.
In this Personal Development Compilation, Jim Rohn discusses the advantages of keeping a journal and why everyone should keep one. A journal has several purposes, the most essential of which is to provide you with the opportunity to reflect on your life and concerns. You are more likely to find a solution if you write down your difficulties on paper. Develop the practice of keeping a notebook, and your life will never be the same again.
“How to Keep a Journal | Robin Sharma”
The practice of journaling is one of the simplest and most effective ways to tap into your inner power and unleash your potential. Here are three tips for keeping a journal by Robin Sharma that will help you live a more meaningful life:
- Make it a habit. The best way to make sure you stick with it is to make journaling a habit. Dedicate 10-15 minutes every day to writing in your journal, and soon it will become an ingrained part of your daily routine.
- Let go of judgment. One of the great things about keeping a journal is that there are no rules—you can write whatever you want, no matter how silly or mundane it may seem. The point is not to judge yourself, but simply to express what's going on inside your head.
- Be honest. Lastly, being honest lets you feel weightless and helps you fall in love with the process of journaling. Your journal is your best friend, a friend you confide in and it thus, shall be as easy to communicate with as a friend.
“How I Journal for Mental Clarity (very simple)”
I journal for mental clarity by recording my progress in different areas of my life. This helps me stay focused and on track, and it also gives me a way to reflect on my progress over time. I use a simple notebook for this, and I record things like my weight, how many days I've worked out this week, what tasks I've completed each day, and so on. By doing this, I can quickly see where I'm making progress and where I need to improve. Recording my progress also helps me feel more accountable, which is motivating.
Every day, I write down the tasks I want to accomplish and how I plan to accomplish them. This helps me stay organized and motivated. Additionally, it's a good way to track my progress and see how far I've come. If I ever feel overwhelmed or lost, going back through my progress records helps me regain focus.
“Useful Journaling | John Conant | TEDxWoodbridgeHigh”
Journaling is a kind of art that many people do not practise and that others have since forgotten. John Conant discusses his journaling experience and how it impacted him in his life. John Conant teaches Latin at Woodbridge High School. He teaches Latin II, Honors Latin III, and AP Latin IV at the moment. This lecture was given at a TEDx event, which was organized independently by a local community but followed the TED conference style.
John Conant, a Licensed Professional Counselor and the founder of the Life Design Institute, gave a talk at TEDxWoodbridgeHigh on the benefits of journaling. He believes that effective journaling is one of the most powerful tools for personal transformation there is.
Conant says that journaling helps you to become more self-aware and understand your thoughts and feelings better. It can also help you to clarify your goals and intentions, connect with your inner wisdom, and find out what's really important to you. Additionally, journaling can be used as a tool for problem solving and decision making.
Conant recommends starting each day by writing down three things you're grateful for, followed by any thoughts or insights that come to mind. He also suggests writing in your journal every evening, sharing what happened during the day and how you felt about it.
“Journalling As A Tool To Become A Millionaire | Patrick Grove & Vishen Lakhiani”
If you want to be a millionaire, you need to track your progress. This is where journaling comes in. Patrick Grove and Vishen Lakhiani are both proponents of journaling as a way to track your progress and stay on track.
"I've been keeping a journal since I was 11 years old," Grove says. "It's been one of the most powerful tools in my life for tracking my personal progress."
Lakhiani agrees that journaling is key to achieving big goals. "I'm a huge fan of journaling," he says. "It's the best way to keep track of your inner thoughts and feelings, which in turn allows you to better understand yourself.
A great talk to witness 2 great spiritually enabled renowned gentlemen discussing the benefits of journaling.
“How To Easily Maintain A Journal/Diary | #RealTalkTuesday |MostlySane”
Prajakta koli in this amazing TuesdayTalk mentions how effortlessly we can maintain a journaling habit. She suggests, “There is no need to be intimidated by the thought of starting a journal. It can seem like a daunting task, but with these easy tips, you will be able to maintain a journal with little effort.
- Make it a habit. This is the most important step. If you want to make journaling a regular part of your life, you have to make it a habit. Try doing it at the same time every day or week.
- Use prompts if needed. Sometimes it can be hard to know what to write about. If you find yourself stuck, try using prompts to get started. There are plenty of online resources that offer prompts for different topics and situations.
- Keep it simple. Don’t try to write War and Peace every time you sit down to write a journal.
- Keep it reachable and discoverable to make the habit more obvious for yourself.
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